Small Woodland Owners' Group

October snapshots

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October snapshots

Postby oldclaypaws » Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:15 pm

Lovely sunny day here in Somerset today, so had a leisurely stroll round the wood with a camera.

Dog sits by new Hazel growth, which has grown 6 feet since being cut in January.

coppice regrowth.jpg

A 400 year old oak spirals into the heavens.

Giant Oak.jpg

Close Up of lichen on an oak log, providing a splash of Mediterranean colours

lichen on oak.jpg
Posts: 1132
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:13 pm

Re: October snapshots

Postby oldclaypaws » Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:19 pm

Rose hips bring a scarlet flush to a dog rose.

Dog rose.jpg

Ivy helter skelters up an Ash, biting into the bark

Ivy on ash.jpg

Autumn dew covers a clump of Moss

Moss closeup.jpg
Posts: 1132
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:13 pm

Re: October snapshots

Postby oldclaypaws » Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:22 pm

Sweet chestnuts freshly dropped among the leaf litter

sweet chestnut.jpg

Sun streaming through the margins backlights a fine fern.

Posts: 1132
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:13 pm

Re: October snapshots

Postby Dexter's Shed » Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:50 pm

nice photos there paws, I reckon you should scoop up some sweet chestnuts and send them to me, to roast on our November camp over
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Re: October snapshots

Postby The Barrowers » Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:29 pm


Country File last Sunday had Anthony Worrall Thompson with some sweet chestnut recipes

Savoury and Sweet
Available on BBC I Player

B and T
B and T
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The Barrowers
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Re: October snapshots

Postby oldclaypaws » Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:24 pm

I reckon you should scoop up some sweet chestnuts

Howzat !! Fresh today, stove warming up.........

Posts: 1132
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:13 pm

Re: October snapshots

Postby Zenith » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:35 pm

Great photos! Thanks for sharing them.

Before I read this I posted a separate thread in the Woodland Activities Section about the sweet chestnuts we have in our wood. Our first crop since we bought the wood in September, so we're looking forward to eating them. Besides that, the shiny nuts always look so nice.
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