Having accepted the ecological arguments and management case for thinning my crowded large oaks, and having had a seal of approval from the FC, I'm now entering the minefield of finding an optimum logistical and cost effective method of arranging felling and marketing of the timber.
Ben Laws states how clear felling is an ecological disaster, group felling is better, selected single trees is best of all, but least cost effective. Its also apparent that we are in the absurd national position of having lots of neglected woods with standing timber, unemployed people, but have run down our native hardwood market in favour of importing cheaper tropical hardwoods which can in turn have a huge detrimental impact on the ecology of forests in the developing world. Consequently local markets for UK grown hardwoods appear to be fragmented and to the small woodland owner looking to get best value for timber, there is no obvious easy route.
While laboriously exploring various contractors, options and trying to eke out best advice without paying too much for it, I'd really appreciate the experience of other group members who've gone through this process as to how they've gone about felling and marketing large hardwood trees, your advice will be most useful. I should include in that request whether you've had success in turning your wood into some kind of milled or finished product that you sold directly, which is another route I want to consider, and how you went about finding end buyers...??
This is kind of going full circle, my first post 18 months ago asked about optimum low impact removal of big trees, now I'm just extending the question to include best ways of marketing timber after felling..... ??