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A trip to the wood cost over £300

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A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby Dexter's Shed » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:15 am

popped over our wood yesterday, as per usual took video and pictures, and have stuck them altogether, we needed to cut some ash logs up, then chop them ready for our planned weekend in November for Samhain, as one of our guests suffers badly from the cold, we wanted to make sure if the weather was bad, she would survive around the log burner, so apart from chopping, and filling up the bird feeders, oh and clearing leaves from our seasonal ditch, the rest of the time was spent enjoying the wood, the sun did come out after the mornings rain, the cost was because me in a Rodney moment, stuck petrol in the landy rather than diesel,
Dexter's Shed
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby splodger » Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:13 pm

Dexter's Shed wrote:the cost was because me in a Rodney moment, stuck petrol in the landy rather than diesel

ooops :roll:
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby oldclaypaws » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:57 pm

How come £300? Usually a drop of petrol aint a big deal in a diesel, you could have just drained the tank and refilled with diesel and no worries. Its an old lorrydriver trick to stick a gallon of petrol in the diesel during the winter- stops them freezing and gives them some extra uumph when starting !

(Or was the £300 just the cost of filling the tank with petrol ? Be funny if it wasn't getting close to the truth :o )
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby Dexter's Shed » Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:43 am

it started on route to our woods, just had quarter of a tank, so popped in garage, 17 litres of petrol :o then realized mistake, remembered I heard about mixing diesel, but was not sure of amounts, so filled tank up with diesel,total cost of both fuels £60, drove ok to the woods, and about half way home, then started getting really lumpy, stopped at a local diner for a snack and she wouldn't start to leave, so an hour wait for the drainage AA man, cost £212.00 but he did do a bloody good job, and told us had it been 5 litres of petrol, it would have been ok, then of course had to put diesel in, total £40, so all in, a total of £312, wont make that mistake again :oops:
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby Zenith » Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:17 am

Ouch! :(
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby oldclaypaws » Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:12 am

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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby MattF » Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:37 am

Been there done got the T shirt the night before we were going on holiday down Devon not the best thing to do the night before
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby The Barrowers » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:44 pm

Hello Just got a Toyota Hilux DIESEL so will try to learn by others errors

I would like a sticker like I see on commercial vehicle's i.e. Diesel only for near the filling cap

It was suggested that I also do the tyre pressure stickers then the no smoking, seat belts to be worn etc. So I am looking for the stickers " No tools left in the truck overnight", "If you cant see my mirrors I can't see you ", "If turning left Cycles don't undertake please" " Horn please" (that's for any one who has been to India) "Compressed Gas", "Vehicle restricted to 50/56/64/70 mph", at the mph I'm getting that's my own choice.

I may also get Orange Flashing Lights for the top and Yellow and Orange Hazard chevrons. Am I allowed Motorway Maintenance??? I am I get carried away with my new "Toy" . Or can you suggest any other ones but not Babe Magnet on Board.
It was requested by my Partner. I replaced a Renault Kangoo which I will add was superb, more space in the back than a Defender 90, just not as much ground clearance. It also pulled a Ifor Williams P7 with a King Quad on board, maybe that's why the gear box had a mind of its own (including a smoke screen to elude pursuers) and the lovely rhythmic knocking but only after 90,000 miles.

Maybe I just need to remember Petrol and Diesel don't mix

B and T
B and T
The Barrowers
The Barrowers
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby Dexter's Shed » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:18 am

a sign/sticker I would like, but cannot find as yet, for the rear, something along the lines of, don't get too close, flying stones from wheels
as on leaving our woods, tyres are normally muddy, and once on tarmac, a fair bit gets flung off
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Re: A trip to the wood cost over £300

Postby Jackdaw » Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:53 pm

If you ever do it again, ring the fuel doctor, national coverage and cost is £125. I almost got stung by the AA for £225 when my missus filled up our Audi, but as I was at home, and near a pc, I found the fuel doctor....empting fuel tanks is all they do. Guy told my missus he does roughly 8 a day...all that's needed is a decent pump and length of pipe down the fuel tank, and that was on a 60 plate TT !!!.
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