Small Woodland Owners' Group


Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!


Postby oldclaypaws » Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:11 pm

This is a wee bit of a diversion from 'Small woodland ownership', but I hope as several of this group may be chaps 50+, I can be humoured to make a statement in the cause of Movember, or Prostate Cancer Awareness, in the hope it might just save a life or two. Growing a tache to show solidarity is pretty cool too.

Blokes are aweful at either going to the Doc or talking about their health, we tend to think 'theirs nothing wrong with me', or I'll ignore it.

This is one of the reasons why prostate cancer remains such as mysterious, seldom discussed condition, and big killer. Whereas the girls have loads of publicity and screening for issues such as breast cancer, blokes bury their heads under the sand, and their pride kills them- about 13% of us.

Prostate cancer, if diagnosed early, is treatable, and early diagnosis can save your life.

I'll stick my head above the parapet and say (not proudly, but honestly), I've just been diagnosed with PC at age 54. Next week I undergo MRI scans and biopsies to see if (as is likely) the condition is benign, or whether I need further treatment. The probability is I'm fine and will outlive many of you, but if I do have an aggressive case, by having the tests done the chances are I've caught it in time and can be treated, with a long life still ahead of me.

An examination by a Doc for potential PC takes 3 minutes, and 1/3rd of chaps aged 50 will have it, the vast majority for whom it is not an isssue, but its better to know if you need further investigation.

So if over 50, swallow your pride, accept it's a real danger, and please ask your Doc for a quick PC examination, it could save your life. The more awareness, research, openess and treatments there are for this condition, the less of us it will kill.
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Re: Movember

Postby davetb » Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:24 am

As a woodland owner & doctor I don't get to combine my skills, very often.
The prostate is a gland that completely wraps around a man's urethra ( tube you wee out of ).
If it enlarges, it starts to block the urethra and causes symptoms such as - difficulty starting to wee ( standing for ages before managing to start ), getting up several times in the night to wee, feeling that you haven't emptied your bladder after weeing and very rarely blood in urine / semen.
However the prostate gets bigger in most men, at aged 50 about half of men have an enlarged prostate and at aged 80 it becomes 75% affected. This is NOT cancer but causes the same symptoms.
If prostate cancer is caught early it can be completely cured. If it is left it can spread all around your body and ultimately kill you.
So if you're male, especially over 50 and have and of the above urinary symptoms - see your GP. Most people will turn out to have the non cancerous condition but it needs to be checked.
Your GP will need to do a blood test and examine your prostate.
As a man, currently aged 47 it's becoming more relevant to me. I can still wee ok, but temporarily sport a big ginger moustache ( I'm not ginger anywhere else ).
Good luck to Oldclaypaws, and thank you for starting the post.
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Re: Movember

Postby jennysmate » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:48 pm

My tache gets greyer every year, as a man over 50 and with a family history, I get checked every few years.
Ive also just been screened for bowel cancer, another embarrassing cancer. Its a simple, if messy, home test.
Good luck to you ocp.
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Re: Movember

Postby Landpikey » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:56 pm

Good luck OCP, my fingers are crossed for you.

I'd do Movember myself but as my mother in law can grow a better 'tache than me, I won't be bothering on that front.

I have had the "digital" ;) exam and it was painless and quick and nothing at all to worry about.
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Re: Movember

Postby oldclaypaws » Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:50 pm

When I was told about a digital examination, I thought "Ah, something involving computers?"- oh no it wasn't. :cry:

One occasion where anyone impatient could for once accurately use the phrase 'come on, crack on and pull your finger out'. :lol:

Well impressed by the speed and efficiency of the NHS so far. (Really! They've been excellent).

Feeling very positive and satisfied this afternoon, but then Newcastle beating Spurs at White Hart Lane might be a contributing factor.
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Re: Movember

Postby Dexter's Shed » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:03 pm

hope all goes well paws, I started early on the movember, and looked like that old fella from emmerdale, but as no one would call me squire, plus my missus moaning that it was like kissing a pin cushion, it had to go, so was shaved off last month
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Re: Movember

Postby Rankinswood » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:22 pm

Thanks for that simple explanation doc.

I readily confess to not particularly wanting to undergo a digital examination and don't quite see how this would reveal whether a person had cancer or simply an enlarged prostate about which one presumeably does nothing. If this condition affects 50% of men then why is this examination not routine ?

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Re: Movember

Postby oldclaypaws » Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:27 pm

There are other factors in addition to enlargement which indicate possible issues. There is an antigen called PSA found in the blood which can be higher when cancer is present. Also, as they say, size isnt everything on a prostate examination, is should be fleshy and soft, hard lumps or irregularities can indicate problems. Its a combination of factors that point to the need for further investigation such as MRI scans and biopsies. Thats why we have specialist consultants; they use their experience and judgement to differentiate between 'routine enlarged' and 'possible cancer'.

Like all cancers, the key to getting through it OK is picking it up as early as possible, the right treatment, and being fit and positive.
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Re: Movember

Postby splodger » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:42 am

my dad has been struggling with cancer for a few years now - started in the prostrate - he wasn't diagnosed early enough - i won't go into details (other than it spread, after radiothearapy)

just wanted to reiterate the message - if you are a man of a certain age - get yourself checked
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Re: Movember

Postby Jackdaw » Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:08 pm

Being only 40 (only 40 !!, how the hell did that happen), I've yet to receive the dreaded probing invite . However my Dad has been in exactly the same position as OCP, and I'm pleased to say, after a nail biting wait for the results, all was fine. Good luck mate, and I look forward to a few more pics of your Akitas !!! ;) JD
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