Small Woodland Owners' Group

An Itriguing Dilemna

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Re: An Itriguing Dilemna

Postby oldclaypaws » Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:11 pm

(continuation of log pictures from previous page......)

Think that's a big log, or is it a stray cruise missile?

cruise missile.jpg

...And clearing more brambles reveals yet another (of 50+) dead Hazel Stools, choked by brambles and inept use of black plastic mesh- a coppicing technique our medieval forebears apparently managed without.

botched coppicing.jpg
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Re: An Itriguing Dilemna

Postby splodger » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:12 pm

nice pics paws ;)

that biggy with the sculptural roots is a prime candidate for either selling or carving - i've sold a number of big root bits - something that size (assuming you could get it out of the woods somehow) is perfect for birds of prey - if you have a sanctuary near you - i'm guessing they'd be very interested.

we have a couple of huge lumps in our woods - that eventually we'll make into giant chairs - but there's a good market for roots anyway - if you can move them ;)

are all the trees that are down blowers or have some been felled?
just wondering if the timber will actually be as good as you hope - if they are all fallers :?
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Re: An Itriguing Dilemna

Postby oldclaypaws » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:27 pm

The soil is heavy clay, so all the oaks send out massive roots at the base to get a secure grip, but if it gets too squidy, they have been weakened and we have a strong gale, they can topple. They are all 'blowers' or should that be 'squidgers', or squidgy blowers. (Sure there was a lad at school in the lower 4th called Squidgy Blowers). There's one has a giant 'reptilian foot' as a base, so we call it Godzilla. Godzilla currently has oak brackets on his toenails.

The timber looks good on virtually all the fallen trees, most still have degrees of sapwood and the heartwood looks clean.

Root or wingspan of the cruise missile is about 10 feet, thats a lot of root- must weigh a ton+. Yes, we could pull it out, but if giving it the chop its such a wonderful shape I'd sooner do something with it myself. Turn it upsidedown and put some boards over it in a circle or octagon and you've got a spectacular outdoor table. (for instance).

We also have a couple of impressive 'leaners'. One is resting on an Ash, the other toppled last winter against its neighbouring Oak, and then sprouted a wonderful Chicken of the Woods from the snapped base. It could be argued they are great habitat, but this is offset by safety concerns, the wife always walks round them and I wonder if I should winch them off and include them in the 'tidying / harvesting' project ? Big downed trees do add character to the woodland floor, so not sure I want to hoover up every scrap, theres a balance between revenue versus habitat and aesthetic character. Quite like the 'lost world' feel having big chunks lying around gives, the oak plantation 'next door' (an overmanaged wood) is quite Spartan and feels like a factory with no ground cover or even understorey.

Leaner 2.jpg

Leaner 1.jpg
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Re: An Itriguing Dilemna

Postby splodger » Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:39 pm

i'd have them down - wouldn't fancy having one of those drop on my head - dangerous job though - that one with the ivy might be tricky - and it looks like it would drop at any time, so you be careful if doing it yourself ;)

i love tree roots too and only part with them for top dollar - i have seen them in a big garden somewhere, "planted" upside down - to create a prehistoric looking walkway - mighty impressive it was - with a bit of creative thought - you can achieve great sculptural effects with a few roots - and they are good for the wildlife :D

it certainly looks like you've got plenty to keep you busy 8-)
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Re: An Itriguing Dilemna

Postby oldclaypaws » Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:17 pm

I believe the technical term is 'a Stumpery'- Charlie boy has a splendid one at Highgrove. Sounds like a plan..... would like a clump of stumps with violets, mosses and ferns on them... (Would do without the poncy hostas though- expensive slug food)

stumpery.jpg (76.98 KiB) Viewed 8142 times
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