Small Woodland Owners' Group


Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!


Postby SitkaSpruce » Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:21 pm

We seem to have a problem with local horse riders entering the woods and riding around. I know they've been challenged by other owners. There are new prints in my woods. I'm worried cos the land is very rough, with lots of brash and large ditches and would seem rather hazardous to horses. There's no way of fencing them out as much of the land is unfenced. Anyone got any good ideas as to how to manage this? They are causing damage to banks on sides of access rides and poaching up the ground in the wetter bits.
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Re: Trespass

Postby Dexter's Shed » Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:28 pm

surely you have a marked boundary for your wood's, so areas are probably linned with trees/coppice better to stop entry, whilst other areas are probably more open, erect dead hedges in these areas, just because there are no fences now, dont mean you cant erect on your land


maybe get some "private wood" signs as we have done, plus signs stating shooting being carried out in woods for pest control reasons, please keep to boundary lines
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Re: Trespass

Postby splodger » Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:35 pm

in my experience - horse riders are generally an ok bunch - so a verbal "warning off" advising them of 1) tresspass and 2) highlighting the dangers to them and their steed on unstable ground etc etc - would normally suffice.
i guess alot depends on how many riders are using your patch - and how many "horse-ies" are in the area - a personal visit to a few of the larger yards in your area might stop a good few - they might even put up posters / maps - showing areas that are off limits - a few signs in your woods might help also - especially if you own a small part of a larger wooded area (with no boundaries) how is anybody (other than owners) going to know where boundaries are?
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Re: Trespass

Postby DuncanB » Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:46 pm

It might help to put up a few "private property - no right of way" signs up. Put a few at rider level as well!
If printed on an inkjet, laminated and pinned to trees, you can make these for a few p each - trespassers love to pull expensive (i.e. bought) signs down, but tend to leave these.
It might not deter all of them, but at least if you confront riders after putting enough of these up they can't use the "sorry Guv, I didn't know this is private land" excuse.
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Re: Trespass

Postby oldclaypaws » Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:29 pm

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Re: Trespass

Postby Wendelspanswick » Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:17 am

Have a word with your local footpaths officer, ours was very helpful when we had a similar concern.
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