Small Woodland Owners' Group

Latest Threat To Our Woodlands!

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Latest Threat To Our Woodlands!

Postby Wendelspanswick » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:24 am

I have never been a fan of Owen Paterson after the Badger Cull debacle but this is beyond the pale.
He is proposing that developers can bulldoze ancient woodland so long as they replant 100 tree's for every 1 destroyed. He suggest that this can be up to 1 hours drive away from the original woodland.
I think this stinks of commercialism and bowing to pressure from the money grabbing developers.
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Re: Latest Threat To Our Woodlands!

Postby oldclaypaws » Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:26 am

It is supposedly to offset criticism of infrastructure projects such as HS2 destroying habitat. It does show that for this government the most important thing is money and the economy, they care little about the environment or other sensitivities.

I'm fed up of money grabbing corrupt politicians out of touch with the public. Our MP was caught up in the expenses scandal. Going back to my old days, will be voting Green next time and might rejoin FOE.

They just don't get it.
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Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:13 pm

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