Small Woodland Owners' Group

" managed" signs

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Re: " managed" signs

Postby Wendelspanswick » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:34 pm

I think the point Dexter was making is that you as a owner cannot put up advertising hoardings but can.
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Re: " managed" signs

Postby Dexter's Shed » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:37 pm

I think your all missing the point I was making, nothing to do with shooting rights, but the conditions on erecting signs, point being, your ok to keep bees in your woodland, and perhaps if your there daily, you could set up selling honey, yet your not allowed to advertise the fact that local honey is for sale, because of the no signage clause, yet a woods for sale/managed is deemed ok
Dexter's Shed
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Re: " managed" signs

Postby Dexter's Shed » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:38 pm

Wendelspanswick wrote:I think the point Dexter was making is that you as a owner cannot put up advertising hoardings but can.

thank you, perhaps the others were over thinking :roll:
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Re: " managed" signs

Postby Steve Medlock » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:10 pm

We have had deer poached in the past and they do use rifles. One time they butchered it on site and left all the unwanted bits in a black sack. Nobody could responsibly cull deer walking along a track, hence my assumption that it was a poacher.

Steve Medlock
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Re: " managed" signs

Postby oldclaypaws » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:23 pm

If you were to be producing and selling honey, logs, squirrel burgers, timber, nuts, mushrooms, hurdles, etc, (I could go on), you probably would look to sell them either from a garden gate where you'll be in more regular attendance, or via a local retail outlet or fair, or t'internet. You wouldn't be likely to leave an unattended pile of your produce by the woodland roadside with an honesty box or set up a roadside market stall and need to put up a large sign to draw attention to your produce. Lack of signage doth not prevent production and selling of modest amounts of woodland produce. (received cheque today for another £133 for walking sticks)

Any other fixed commercial signs would require planning consent (I think temporary 'for sale' signs are ignored by the authorities), as are small informative signs such as 'private' and 'security' signs, which I would think the aforementioned woodlands signs fall under, loosely. I've seen a couple of 'managed by' signs locally, I think its to clarify the woodland regime and deter undesirables, indicating the woods are maintained and attended, not public and not abandoned or open to abuse.

Large commercial signs might be unslightly and potentially open the woodland up to owners who would abuse the spirit of using them for quiet personal recreation; such as scrap dealers, garden centres, paintball organisers, advertisers, religious and political groups, et all.

I think the rules are designed to protect the silent majority, not suppress all possible genuine recreational activities. If you buy something you have to read, digest and agree to the terms of the contract, if you strongly disagree, you don't go through with the purchase and look for an alternative provider.

I think I might erect a very large sign saying "Thankyou Owen Paterson, this ancient woodland will shortly be permissible to be bulldozed for development, courtesy of the new DEFRA guidelines"
Last edited by oldclaypaws on Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: " managed" signs

Postby Steve Medlock » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:30 pm

Although I didn't buy from Woodlands, I still think that I have a good deal to be grateful to the for besides this excellent forum.

The main reason, in my opinion, is that they have shown that woodland ownership is possible and practical for almost anyone who is determined enough to do it. Because they have broken down large tracts into (more) affordable lots, it is no longer the preserve of the wealthy country landowners and farmers.

Other reasons include the passions and interests which are nurtured by the blogs, videos etc exploring the basic and wider aspects of wood ownership.

Thank you Woodlands. You do a great job.
Steve Medlock
Posts: 51
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Re: " managed" signs

Postby oldclaypaws » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:43 pm

Quite so, Medders. They've brought woods to the public attention and opened up the dream of ownership into reality for many people, albeit at a profit. The diversity of people and interests shown on the Forum illustrates the many pleasures and activities to be had from owning a wood and I think its helping reconnect many people with the outdoors and nature. Its widened the perception of woodland usage beyond the old image of investment and timber.
Posts: 1132
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