This may not be the most life or death issue, or woody, but anyone who has ever typed a message on this Forum may have experienced the same bug that really gets me.
If I type 'colour', its immediately highlighted in red and I'm prompted to become a New-Yorker and correct it to 'color'. Likewise, if I use an 'ise' ending, chances are I'll be told to change it to a curious foreign 'z', as in 'customize' or 'organize'. I believe this letter is referred to across the pond as a 'Zee', as in Zee Zee Top, who should be more correctly referred to as Zed Zed Top.
Is there any way the Forum spellchecker can be changed to our native language rather than this foreign abuse of Shakespeare's own tongue? Surely the global language is English, not American.
There must be a new generation of youngsters prompted by their various gadgets to start using 'color', 'favorite', 'criticize', etc which could erode the English language to some garbled foreign tongue, with billfolds for our money, sidewalks to stroll on and goods 'expedited' to us rather than 'sent' or 'shipped'.
Could we not do our little English victory against this invader, and correct the Forum to English spell-checking if possible?
Thank you and 'have a nice day, buddy'.