signs have been erected in the woods, long before us plot holders arrived, so a few more wont hurt anyone's feelings, the previous owner, that run a pheasant shoot on the whole wood, placed warning "wild boar" signs up along the public footpath, along with 24hr shooting for pest control signs, to keep dog walkers on the path, a plot holder at the back of the woods has just had around 150mtrs of the footpath fenced, to stop the public, or should I say "DOGGERS" as that's what they were, straying into his woods and leaving their rubber friends behind, it looks very neat and tidy now, and hopefully each plot holder will follow suit, including me as I have the very end of it running down the side of my boundary.
had the resident shooter just wanted to walk our woods by himself, then I probably as Im sure the other owners would too, have given him permission, as he has permission to shoot the fields in front, we could of exchanged shooting permissions, but its the fact that he wanted to run pheasant shoots within our woods, placing pheasant pens down, and multiple feeders, and then selling shooting days, which can cost £££££'s to attend, he would then have beaters and dogs walking across our plots, people we don't know, yes he would be making a tidy profit, and us, he promised us a bottle of whiskey once a year!!!!!!!