When we first viewed our woods we walked the boundries and came across a huge Beech tree that had fallen across the boundry fence from the adjoining property on to our side.
We purchased the woods and I contacted the adjoining land owner about the tree and she informed me that her gardeners would sort it out in December and repair the fence. The boundry in question is on a steep slope and is at the very top of her large and extensive garden.
Since then the gardeners have made a half hearted attempt to deal with the tree but have admitted that the size of the tree and the location have defeated them.
I have suggested and its been agreed that I will saw up the tree on the condition that I keep the timber and the gardeners repair the fence once I am done.
This needs to be done before the Bracken and Bramble takes over again.
I have no problems with cutting up the tree but getting the logs up the slope is the difficulty. Its too steep to take the tractor down so my plan is to cut and split the tree in situ, load into dumpy bags and with a long wire/strap/rope (about 40M long) drag the bags up the slope with the tractor on the flat.
Anyone have any different suggestions.