I've got friends who are apiarists, and have I think one hive. Last year they got 40lbs of honey. They have a honey club with a shared centrifuge and so are also able to produce beeswax. (which is possibly as useful a commodity as the sweet stuff?). They gave us a nice cast fir-cone shaped candle, which had to be gathered, remelted and recast after the puppy found it interesting and chewed it into small fragments.
Love bees, and like honey roast meats and salmon, but don't have a sweet tooth at all and so don't care for honey. Otherwise, I'd go for it. If putting a hive in a wood I'd seriously suggest thinking about anti-badger measures such as an electric fence; badgers go nuts for honey and are always digging up any ground nesting bees in our wood. They'd be sure to try and break into any hive they could get at, unless you set it several feet off the ground or use something like deer fencing round it (?).
Beeswax uses;