older ash trees with no foliage yet right beside those with good foliage
Snap. It seems trees with more light are very active, older slightly shaded ones are just starting to come out, that actually includes some of my shaded sweet chestnut where its below oak. Differing trees will respond to differing stimulii; some will be leafing earlier from the warmth/humidity, maybe older Ash waits for the winter groundwater to dry off a bit? Logically, if the ground is very soft and you come into full leaf, theres more chance of toppling over, so maybe something in the Ash roots senses its still very wet ground and is waiting for it to dry up a bit before it leafs? I'd guess the big old oaks have a far more extensive root system and are a bit more tolerant of wet ground.
All pure conjecture, I'm just guessing.
If or when Chalara does hit, it'll be the saplings and young trees that go first. I think I read older Ashes of 40+ tend to loose their outer twigs/branches, but regrow 'tufts' of new growth from the older wood, almost as if they've been pollarded. It takes several years for an old Ash to succombe, most seem to struggle on despite the disease.