Looks like a few sleepless nights for me & Smojo (apart)- we both dislike the prospect of killing anything
Glad you qualified the statement with "apart"
Thoughts on it £100/hectare ? Well I own about 4 acres or 1.6 hectare so I would be able to claim the princely sum of £160 maybe or would they round it down to £100? Over five years that's £500+ Not exactly a big incentive but sounds tempting (if I could bring myself to killing them) because it might just pay for the equipment to eradicate them which obviously has positive benefits to my woodland and trees. But the main issue here is my being part of a woodlot scheme. No point in a few of us attempting to eradicate, you would have to get everyone else in there to agree and that will not be possible. The FC might not even consider a single plot holder's application for that reason.
Reluctant as I am to kill animals myself, I would like to see their numbers drastically reduced across the country for the welfare of other wildlife and our woodlands in general so am not opposed to others taking up the offer. In fact I hope many do. I can see owners of large woodlands and forests (estate owners, timber producers etc) will make a dash for the application forms. They probably already take measures to cull them so why not get paid for it.
As Paws states - my concern is over using poisons and them getting into the food chain. I wonder how many gamekeepers who dislike birds of prey, like buzzards and red kites, might use the poisoning of squirrels as a smokescreen for leaving poisoned bait for birds or prey.