I've come to the conclusion that a quad bike and trailer would be a big asset to my woods. I don't need one for road use and as the woods are attached to my home I can store it there. Does anyone have any recommendations or advice for these?
This week I've had the woods fenced off (to stop people wandering into them) and the guy I used bought in a tree surgeon to cut down a large leaning silver birch in my neighbours woods. The tree surgeon was so knowledgeable (with many years experience under his belt) and I've asked him to come back so he can help me form a plan on how to manage the woods after years of neglect. Holly seems to be taking over so this will be my first task in removing them,
This year has been spent restoring our run down cottage so I haven't been able to spend nearly as much time in the woods as I'd like but this should all change now as the restoration is nearly finished.
Luckily we didn't have any losses with last nights winds here in Cheshire. Hopefully all your woods have survived in tact.
Any advice on Quads will be most welcome.