by Dave and Verity » Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:02 pm
Haven't got any video up yet, been a tad busy lately. Anyway was talking to a neighbour about using the splitter, he relayed to me about a chap in the village who had to have the air ambulance out after getting his foot crushed by one. Apparently he was using his booted foot to free a stuck log.
Another safety concern we have come across is when splitting circular disc shape logs with the grain. We had one get to about the mid point of the disc and then "shot" both halves out of the machine when it completely gave way. If anybody had been in front of the machine at the time, it could have been very unpleasant.
We purchased the handy bench saw, and now I have stripped it and re assembled, I would be less than enthusiastic about recommending it. The standard of manufacture is quite clearly done to a price point, if buying again, I would spend a bit more and go for something a bit more engineered. I had to strip it, I bought an ex display model which had only been put together finger tight in places (including the blade retainer), not knowing this I started it up where it proceded to rattle itself to bits before I could pull the plug out. I dare not go anywhere near the thing to switch it off using the emergency stop. Another of lifes lessons learnt.
It works fine and I can get through about a cubic metre of logs in an hour. Just not sure how long it will last.