by Wendelspanswick » Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:57 pm
The majority of our land is covered by a SSSI, we have found it has impacted very little on our activities. Although though the SSSI applies to our woodland and meadow the specifics of it concern the acid grassland.
Basically I write down my plans for the land for the foreseeable future and send it off to English Nature.
If there is anything they are concerned with they get in touch, but so far they haven't objected to anything. I think if we said we were going to do something drastic like plough up the meadow and plant maize they would put a stop to it but they seem amenable to sensible activities.
The SSSI condition report for our land when we bought it was classed as Poor-Declining and we are aiming to get that changed at the next report by removing the encroaching bracken and gorse.