Having just spent a few days working in the floods. I was wondering if anyones woods were affected... wind blow, swamping etc.
We walk our wood boundaries regularlalylylly and this weekend was no exception - Mrs Greyman came back after her first walk round to say that the loverly big dead Oak Tree that I had been saving to fell for cleaving and such had been an gorn and blowdeded over! Not a root in sight - just a bit of a hole in the clay. Bit of a lernin' curve if yuv never seen the likes before. Bein' an aged P and a dye in the wool lokal yokal I'd'd seend holes like this befour. Disapointed though as thought there'd might have been a bit of gold or summat under the stump - just mold and critters (as there should be)
The stream has been whooshing out of the pond and through the bit of wood next to us and brought us lots of nice invasive american pond weed. There's been a good deal of branches too but we spend Sunday pm pulling them out of the sink holes where the stream has worked its way down through the tree roots back into the old stream path. We've found an old culvert that we guess the stream used to go through.
Well, We're supposed to have a drier day here in Sussex tomorrow so I'm going up to Windsor to see if they've got any more wet weather they want to sell!
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