I know I will probably confirm that I am an old scrote with this post but I have read the latest stuff from the 'Nut hunt' and can not find any warnings or admonitions that anyone wanting to take part in this endeavour must check that "thier local woodland' is open to the public. I haven't found anyone traipsing around my wood just recently but you would have thought that a responsible group would at least have mentioned that an awful lot of woodland is privately owned and does not have open access to the public. I wonder if it was considered that people going into woods and digging about for nuts wasn't really that good an idea from an ecological point of view - I will take a dim view if I catch anyone scratching about. We're just getting to the stage where this springs new growth will be coming through and I'm hoping for a bumper crop of orchids this year (it was good last year and we had more lesser Butterfly Orchids than last)plus the coupe of Hazel cut last year might start showing some nice wild flowers too.