My family is currently in the process of looking for and buying a woodland and, while we have some knowledge of what is involved in terms of management (practical skills, application thereof, and some courses), we've never been through this process before. I would therefore like to see what people think of our situation (outlined below) and considerations and thought processes involved with buying woodland in general.
Our situation is that we're looking for woodland that could provide for our firewood needs in an effort to be more sustainable, and provide additional supplemental mid-long term income and capital growth. We're not planning to build on the site.
As of yesterday, we located just over 5 acres of mainly oak and birch woodland with some sycamore - most of which are probably less than 30-40 years of age - that is being sold for £35,000. Having visited the wood briefly tonight, natural regeneration seems to be the predominant 'management' technique. There doesn't appear to have been any proactive management in some time as there are no stumps and no evidence of coppicing, thinning, brashing, etc. There are some trees with potential in terms of timber production although they are very much in the majority. The site has well maintained shared access, rides and general access in the wood need improving, and there is no running water on site.
What are your opinions on the woodland in relation to our objectives? What would you do in our situation? What measures would you take if buying this woodland?
I look forward to reading your responses and my thanks in advance to those of you who spend time offering your opinions.