Small Woodland Owners' Group

Woodland 2 Workshop Course

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby davetb » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:47 pm


I don't know what the rest of you think but I read about the above course on this site and thought it sounded great. My woodland is in Herefordshire, it seems to include everything a woodland novice ( me ) would want. On further investigation it's not a first come first served course but one you have to apply for - to ensure a correct mix of applicants. It's 3 days and they recommend you book accommodation in Hay on Wye.

The big shock ( for me ) was the price..... It does include the 3 day course, 2 evening meals, picnics during the day and minibus travel to a couple of woods, but DOESN'T include accommodation.....and comes in at £750.

That's way out of my price range for whats included.

To give some perspective I've just finished a Woodlands of Herefordshire course - Fourteen 90 minute lectures and 5 wood visits for £160. ( See for next years course if anyone's interested ). It was very good, I was moth trapping at 1am earlier this week as part of the course - and you could camp in the wood for free.

Also a 2 day course making a shavehorse in North Wales, which included all the wood and use of the tools cost £65 a couple of years ago - although looking at the website is now £90. ( ). That is still great value. You can also camp for free there.

I can highly recommend both of these courses.

Obviously I can't comment on the Woodlands 2 Workshop content, as I haven't been on it but does anyone out there agree £750 is too steep to risk ? Or am I being unfair. Is there anyone on the forum who has done the course and can recommend it ?

I want to be fair and maybe it's cheap for what's included, but I nearly 'fell off my shavehorse' when I saw the price.

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Joined: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:12 pm
Location: Cardiff ( woodland is near Monmouth )

Postby jillybean » Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:24 pm

Sounds like a lot to me. £750 buys you a hell of a lot of kit/trees/books/time. still they're not making you go on the course are they? Personally, Id rather have a container. Or a new gate.

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Postby Darren » Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:22 pm

I learnt by books, talking to others, FC and by my own experience as every woodland is unique. I went on a Ben Law course a few months ago but thought it wasn't value for money. It did give me the push I needed in the making a living for it. It's subjective really.

I wouldn't pay £750 for a course. It's your choice and nobody is making you go on a course.

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Postby pete » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:58 pm

OK Darren, so if you learnt from books, can you, or any other Forum members, please tell me your nominations for the single most useful book on managing small woodlands? I'd love to have recommendations.

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Postby athelstan » Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:08 pm

Pete, get a copy of "Woodlands - A Practical Handbook" published by the BTCV,it costs pennies, and substitute a chainsaw for the handsaw and axe where mentioned in the text. The 750 quid saved will be more than enough to buy the chainsaw and all the other tools you will ever need.

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Postby Rich » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:21 am

It's also available online

in fact I find all the BTCV books really useful and all available for free!

Although I see it is funded by the lottery fund, so a big thanks to all those who bought a lottery ticket ;-)


Richard Hare
SWOG website editor

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Postby Darren » Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:05 pm

Sorry for the late reply,Pete. The last two replies have beat me to it.

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