Small Woodland Owners' Group

UK's Woodland Carbon Code

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby Forestry_Commission » Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:24 pm

The Forestry Commission is about to test a new quality assurance scheme for tree planting projects designed to sequester carbon.

The market for such projects is increasing but, until now, there have been no standards to measure their claims against, or to ensure that real benefits will accrue.

The new Woodland Carbon Code will encourage a consistent approach to projects and provide clarity and transparency to potential customers and investors about what their contributions should achieve.

The Commission developed the code in conjunction with a wide range of interests and it was subject to consultation earlier this year before being finalised.

To comply with the code projects must: be responsibly and sustainably managed to national standards; use standard methods for estimating the carbon that will be sequestered or locked up; be independently verified; and must meet transparent criteria and standards to ensure that real carbon benefits are made.

Project providers must register with the Forestry Commission, stating the exact location and long-term objectives of their project. Once approved, projects will then appear in a national online register.

Forestry Commission Director General, Tim Rollinson said:

“Increasingly, people and companies are realising the valuable potential that tree planting schemes have to soak up CO2 from the atmosphere. There are now many commercial schemes that encourage individuals and businesses to contribute to tree planting to help compensate for their carbon footprint. But before investing in projects people want to know that schemes will actually deliver what they claim. The Woodland Carbon Code will provide that reassurance and will encourage more investment in tree planting in the UK.”

The six-month pilot phase will test the scheme with around a dozen pilot projects throughout the UK. This experience will help to refine the code and its associated guidance before it is launched early in 2011.

Visit for more details.

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Postby James M » Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:05 pm

What are they doing on here. Making anonymous posts as well? Is this now an official site for the government to commandeer to conduct their business ?

James M
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Postby carlight » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:06 pm

glad it's not just me who finds the warblings of the unproductive farcical.

(how much co2 does it cost to get these folk to work/run their offices...)

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Postby tracy » Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:08 pm

Hi James, we are very happy for Forestry Commission to post on here - they are very helpful. Normally information from them gets sent to us and we put it up - I am delighted that this person has done it themselves.

Welcome FC!

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Postby James M » Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:16 pm

They're not helpful to everyone, Tracy. The further North you get the harder it gets.

How do you know it's someone from the FC as they didn't bother to introduce themselves first or even sign their post.

You may be delighted, but it doesn't sound like they asked before abandoning the normal practice of sending stuff to you to post and instead are going down the 1. join 2. post something self serving first off 3.don't bother asking permission this time, just hijack the forum and use it to promote what the governement's up to.

Is it just me who thinks the manner of that post was arrogant? What - we don't even get a 'hello' before they start taking advantage of the forum or a 'thank you' afterwards ?

James M
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Postby Rich » Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:07 pm

Ok well lets live and let live with this! The great thing about an open forum such as this is that people can join easily and post comments freely. I'm sure our friend from the FC did not wish to appear arrogant, just trying to deseminate some information, which is what the forum is all about. Unfortunately as with all internet forums peoples emotions and feelings are not easily conveyed, or worse, misconstrued. Let's encourage people from all walks of life and organisations to post, even if they don't concur with our own personal views.

Richard Hare
SWOG website editor

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Postby greyman » Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:07 pm

I'm in agreement with Rich to a greater extent: we should be as open and welcoming as possible to ALL - even if we don't agree with the persons point of view. Having said that perhaps it would be possible for either Tracy or Rich to contact the FC ( citing this post and it's content) to find out if they can make sure that any posts made here are not annoymouse and that there is a little bit of preamble i.e. Hello, just an update on a recent project, scheme (or whatever). As James seems to indicate, perhaps not all of the contacts that forum users have had with the FC have been conducive to good relationships. I do know that Tracy has been working very hard over the last few years to foster better relationships with the FC and their staff. I would be a shame to negate this if this was just an oversight on this occasion.

Well that is my humble view anyway - if you feel strongly I'm sure I'll hear about it!


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Postby tracy » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:48 am

Hi James

Sorry to hear your experience with FC has not been so good. I think we are communicating fine in the SE. I know that lots of FC people are in touch with Rich and myself from all over the country. We are able to check who posts are sent from so we know this is genuine. You may notice that I deleted 2 other people who were not!

I shall end on a joke I hear often: when you have 3 foresters in a room you will get 4 different opinions ;-)

Best wishes


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Postby Forestry_Commission » Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:53 pm

Hi I'm Vicky from the Forestry Commission, trying not to hide the fact. Apologies if my blogging etiquette is not quite what you expect. I'm new to the blogging world... I will note suggestions for future!

I would only like to make the presence of a new opportunity available to as wide an audience as possible. I hope that it is of relevance/interest to some of you, and would be happy to answer any questions/ give further information should anyone be interested.



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Postby Darren » Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:15 am

Hello Tracy. Welcome to the forum.

Have you read this forum thread?

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