Small Woodland Owners' Group

UK's Woodland Carbon Code

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby Rich » Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:41 am

Thanks for your post Vicky,

Yes I understand the difficulty with 'etiquette' with such a profusion of internet boards, forums and twitterings or whatever it's called!

Maybe we should have some guidelines on etiquette for posting to our forum.... I'll start a new thread

Richard Hare
SWOG website editor

[email protected]
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Postby docsquid » Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:11 am

We have had huge help from the Forestry Commission in our wood too. They are extremely overworked here in the Midlands, but nonetheless have visited on several occasions and provided as much help and support they can with our grant applications. Communication can be slow on occasions, largely down to the volume of work that is being tackled (we have the National Forest project nearby too and that takes up a lot of time), but overall they are very supportive in this part of the country, and we couldn't have progressed our woodland to anything like the extent we have without FC support - monetary and expertise.

I don't mind seeing the FC on here making sure we all know what opportunities are available in all areas of the country.

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Postby skiesnpies » Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:35 pm

I have to say, the FC have been very helpful with our application for the Woodland Carbon Code.

It is a slow process, but then it is a new process and it is a complex issue.

I am looking forward to working with them and to meeting some more people in this forum.


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Postby Forestry_Commission » Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:34 am

Hi All

Just to let you know that the Woodland Carbon Code is now formally launched, following the pilot in which a dozen projects took part, including John from Heart of England Forest (above). You can find out more at

Of interest to SWOG members, small projects (less than 50ha) to come together as a group to become certified. This should make certification much more cost effective. We are inviting applications from groups of projects would would like to trial this option during 2011-2012.

Also for landowners to note we will be acccepting applications for woodlands that have been planted since 1 January 2000 until 31 July 2013. After that time, projects will need to be registered within two years of the date tree planting starts.

Happy to discuss .....

Cheers, Vicky

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Postby tracy » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:57 pm

Thanks for the update Vicky!

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