Small Woodland Owners' Group

Alvecote Wood Extension - Betty's Wood

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby docsquid » Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:51 pm

A few months ago, Stephen was idly chatting to the neighbouring farmer and told him if he ever thought of selling some land, then let us know in case we wanted to buy some and extend our wood. We never thought it would happen!

Well, a few weeks later, he asked us if we'd like to buy some land and if so, how much? A lot of discussions followed, and we finally agreed to buy 9 acres of arable field to form a wildlife corridor between our wood and other wildlife areas, adjoining the Coventry Canal. We banged a stake in the ground, and waited for the legal people to do their work...and waited...and waited...

Two days ago we finally completed the purchase of 9 acres and we plan to extend our wood to 20 acres. The farmer allowed us to start work prior to completion, and so the ground has already been cultivated, sprayed to remove the residual wheat crop, and we started work protecting the oak seedlings from deer and rabbit damage to promote natural regeneration on the site. We have also sown it with grass/wildflower seed as a basis for the meadow areas and to provide ground cover while the new trees develop: thank goodness we already had a tractor to do this work with!

This winter we will be busy planting 3500 trees, as well as a hedge to connect our wood to another piece of ancient woodland, and putting in seasonal and permanent wildlife ponds. As well as our regular coppicing, thinning and woodland management in the main wood, which still has to be done.

The wood has been named Betty's Wood after my mum who passed away 3 years ago. The money from her estate finally came through this year and has helped to buy this piece of land.

We just hope we can get the land registered quickly enough for a FC Woodland Creation Grant!

We will be holding a SWOG meeting at Alvecote Wood in May 2011, so if you'd like to come along and see what we've been doing, you are more than welcome.

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Joined: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:37 pm

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