Small Woodland Owners' Group


Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby happybonzo » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:17 am

Have a look under Pyrotechnics - Bangs for Alarm mines -

These things are loud and can lead to brown trouser moments

Posts: 92
Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:00 am

Postby cravenglassford » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:43 pm

These scroats are lurking around (often unseen) if you make entry as difficult as possible you will at least slow them down, barbed wire may not be attractive but it certainly makes them think twice, I use ''keep out'' and ''private'' signs, they always plead ignorance when confronted, if you make it clear that they are not welcome they will eventually get the message.

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Postby happybonzo » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:00 pm

I use these signs and add a few extra "holes" on them. These are mainly for Tourists. I also make it abundantly clear that my woods are used by the MoD as a Training Area. Other signs with things like "Do not pick up any suspicious object" - "Danger of Death" all other sorts of pleasantries. The local yobs got the message within one week of my taking the woods over,r:13,s:12&biw=1235&bih=610

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Postby Meadowcopse » Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:01 pm

I had my shed and garage / workshop at home on the edge of Chester broken into the other weekend...

There had been a spate of local outbuilding thefts in the area over a couple of months and 5 local to me on the same night.

Only a few items taken after a reasonably solid door with 5 lever lock was split apart.

Around 01:30am, Police intercepted 3 guys along the canal on stolen bikes and my Stihl blower-vac in it's bag and a load of hand-held power tools.

I was away from the property and a trace from the shop sticker on the bike frame and it's number gave the police an owner and phone number to call, so I drove back home to board-up and off round to the police station.

Identified the property, got it back, got an incident number and to pass on to the insurance and an afternoon spent replacing a couple of doors and fixing things up.

2 out of the 3 guys are back in custody after breaching previous release conditions and the 3rd bailed with curfew conditions.

1 has over 100 previous burglary activities to his history !!!

Downloaded the security cam over the yard area to pass about 20 useful images on to the police.

Just waiting to hear what proceedings are going to take place...

At least I got my gear back with only minor damage - still a load of hassle and inconvenience, realistically what can be done about persistent mindless repeat offenders?

(The police / forensics made quite an effort to link them to the other thefts the same night and previous few weeks).

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Joined: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:13 am
Location: Cheshire


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