I'm new here so apologies if this topic has been raised before. I did search the forum for likely threads but I couldn't really find anything...
I'm in the fortunate situation of having a house that's bordered on two sides by plantation. Even better, the owner is willing to release a small amount - just under an acre. The problem I have is negotiating a price that we're both happy with. I've just calculated the average price per acre for all the woodlands advertised for sale in central southern England, and it comes out at just under £10k. However, the owner wants to relate the sale price to any potential increase in the value of my property. My last offer was equivalent to more that £30k per acre! Much as I love the woods, common sense (aka my wife) has to prevail somewhere!
I recognise we're in a unique situation in that there isn't really a market here, as potentially I'm the only buyer.
Can anyone offer any thoughts, advice, opinion? Having stumbled upon this forum, the more I read about what woodland owners get up to, the more I want those woods!