Small Woodland Owners' Group

Forestry Regulation consultation

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby wrekin » Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:25 pm

"The Task Force will identify ways to reduce the regulatory burden on those who seek to create and sustainably manage forests"

The membership of this isn't just large scale forestry: John Morris from SWA is included.

They're currently asking for suggestions, see the above link. What changes would help owners of small woodlands? Some planning issues? eg wooden buildings without a permanent foundation not needing to go through the planning authority for a determination? Being able to use such buildings for overnight accommodation for, say, 28 nights per year if working on the woods? (much as you can already with a "caravan" for less than a season.) Being able to conduct small scale finishing of wood products on site? Reducing the need to obtain felling licenses if replanting / regenerating native species on the same ground? - Woods, huts, cabins, sheds, forestry
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