Small Woodland Owners' Group

How late for sweet chesnut coppicing

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby alexw » Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:04 pm


I started coppicing some very old sweet chestnut coppice, felling some of the 12-18" trunks on friday, but some were bleeding sap a bit but not pouring out. I can fell 5 cubic metres this week but the rest will have to wait 4 weeks for the felling licemse to come through. When is generally the correct time to stop? I know it depends on the weather and location. We are in surrey. The buds are not breaking yet but not sure how long they will be.

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Postby Darren » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:21 pm

Traditionally the end of March is the finish of coppice season. The birds start nesting and the ground flora is coming up.

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Postby The Barrowers » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:43 pm

25th March,

Ladys Day is traditionally the last day of felling. for a fuller explaination to do with contractors and labourers moving from one job to another look at wikipedia

B and T
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The Barrowers
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Postby alexw » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:02 pm

Oh dear, not looking good for this year, a lot will have to wait. I wish I had got the ball moving before christmas. Thank you both for your help

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Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:29 am

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