Small Woodland Owners' Group

Ultra-durable wind-up torches for sale

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby mikepepler » Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:58 pm

I guess most of us woodland owners/users have need of torches, and wind-up torches have the advantage of not running our of power. However, they have two weaknesses that have frustrated me for some time:

1. They're not often very bright.

2. They use internal rechargeable batteries, which have a limited life and need to be charged regularly to prevent them failing prematurely.

Recently I discovered there's a manufacturer making wind-up torches that use ultra-capacitors instead of batteries to hold the charge. Without getting into technical detail, the important point is that ultra-capacitors are not damaged by being left discharged, and can be charged over 100,000 times - compare this to only 1,000 times for a normal rechargeable battery. This means they are ideal for situations like:

- a torch left stored at the wood, where it might be left unused for months but needs to operational when you need it.

- a torch left in the car, again forgotten about for months until you really need it.

- a torch stored in an emergency-preparedness kit at home.

These are all situations where you might find a normal wind-up torch has suffered battery failure just when you need it most.

The torch is the LightStorm CL1, made by Applied Innotech (a US company). There was nobody selling them in the UK, so I've imported a box of them, and I'm selling them on ebay. They're £23.99 incl P&P there, or you can buy them direct from me via our blog for £22.99. I realise you can buy the cheap wind-up torches for £5 or less, but the CL1 torch is a much more rugged product, and won't let you down when it counts. It actually comes with a 5-year warranty, and I think it will last longer than that.

Anyway, you can ready about it and find links to buy direct or via ebay on our blog:


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Postby The Barrowers » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:41 pm

Thanks for info. Already got an abundance of head torches with traditioanl batteries. Have a wind up hand held torch already.

Alway trying to save, had a woderful dark walk about the previous evening, only tripped 15 times and fell once.

B and T
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Postby tracy » Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:15 pm

and to think how much it would cost you to get a broken ankle fixed! Hmm, buy a torch, we now have 50! lol

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Postby mikepepler » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:54 pm

Shipped the first one to a SWOG member yesterday... I'll be doing a review comparing these to another wind-up torch soon, I'll post a link when it's done.

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Postby docsquid » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:27 pm

I could put this into the newsletter too, Mike. Sounds like one of these would be useful for us, as we seem to have a surfeit of nocturnal intruders at the moment :-( Will check on the blog...

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Postby mikepepler » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:50 am

I've done a little video review of the torch, online now at:

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Postby docsquid » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:09 pm

Will post this in the newsletter. My torch has arrived and it is very useful - proved so on our recent moth trapping night.

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Postby mikepepler » Sun May 01, 2011 6:01 am

Glad you like it docsquid!


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Postby Rich » Sun May 01, 2011 6:24 am

Been searching for a head torch version of this, haven't found one yet, let me know Mike if you come across one!

Richard Hare
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Postby Exeldama » Sun May 01, 2011 10:15 am

I use a head torch for my search and rescue stuff... water proof and robust.. i will try and rememberv to look up what it is..... i did see a £300 headtorch with LED`s recently ..its beam was unblievable..better than any hand held one i have ever seen...lit up several hundred meteres like a floodlight....

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