Small Woodland Owners' Group

winching tips

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby woodlander » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:02 pm

Anyone on the site got any ideas were I can get tips on winching timber ,read all the H&S stuff and the FC booklet but not much on technique and useing a snatch block and types of choker

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Postby Dennis » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:46 pm

Do you mean winching timber on the ground, or to control trees when felling? If the latter then look under Resources on this site and click on the "Mike & Tracy" link. When their blog comes up enter "winch" in the Search box (top left). This gives you a list of blog postings mentioning winches, and several either explain what was done, or demonstrate with a video clip.

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Postby RichardKing » Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:36 am

To be honest, if you are talking about using a winch to move hung-up trees then probably best to get some professional advice by going on a course.

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Postby tracy » Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:16 am

I agree with Richard (!) Having just done a lot of winching (mike has done courses and had help and advice) we know how difficult and dangerous it is. There are loads of things that can go wrong - as well as safety extras to do. If you can find a course I would strongly suggest one - maybe someone here can suggest some?

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Postby happybonzo » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:02 am

I've thought about using explosives (seriously) to remove dangerously hung up trees before now. I've often wondered if Thermite might be a viable alternative.

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Postby RichardKing » Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:12 pm

David Rossney of Esus Forestry covers winching in some of his courses.

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Postby woodlander » Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:40 pm

Thanks everyone for the information I should have been more specific I meant winching timber on the ground all my wood is very steep with tracks cut in at about 60 m spacing I am having contractors to do a second thinning on 10 acres of plantation, first thinning they ' cut to waste' because of the difficulty removeing them .

They are nothing like the size of the Sycamore in Mike and Tracy's blog (that's a hairy job , tirfor winch operator)

I have a tractor mounted winch and as the tracks are not wide enough to put the tractor across to pull straight up as recomended I am useing a snatch block to turn the wire rope 90 deg I have had some tuition from a local retired forestry worker but I am concerned of the loading on the tree strops as I understand it if I pull in the same plane as the block I need strops to take twice the pulling power of the winch which is 8 tonne but at 90 deg any mechanical advantage is lost and only need 4 tonne, any of you offroad 4x4 drivers used a snatch block ?,as its such a specific application don't think it would be covered by a course .

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Postby woodbodger » Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:13 pm

you need to explore the lost art of creating tackle, it matters greatly how you use pulleys: there bis a great book " the Ashley book of knots" that goes into great detail about the use and mechanical advantage of pulleys or alternatively some of the old navy manuals . show how to use them to great advantage. Given the right tackle your tractor could pull a 10 ton log up a 45 degree incline: slowly.

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