Small Woodland Owners' Group

What have you been doing this month - May11

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby docsquid » Sun May 01, 2011 10:46 am

Following the suggestion in the previous thread, this is a new thread specifically for the new month of May - let us know what you've been up to.

We have spent much of April and the start of May trying to water our lovely little new trees - all 4000 of them! About 3/4 of them are much too dry, as we have had no rain at all, not even a shower, since the start of March. This has involved the final retirement of our wheezy old pump, and the arrival of a new one to abstract water from our ponds and deliver it to the trees, but this is very time consuming. We are praying for rain, but none seems forthcoming at the moment.

This week coming we will be preparing for the arrival of SWOG members to our meeting!

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Postby Exeldama » Sun May 01, 2011 9:49 pm

I will find out what i have been doing in a few days when im down.... hmmmm no idea yet...thats my finely tuned forestry plan.

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Postby tracy » Tue May 03, 2011 5:38 pm

Mike and Dennis put a new culvert in the wood!

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Postby Rich » Tue May 03, 2011 7:13 pm

I've been marvelling at the growth we've had despite the lack of rain since February. Even the ash sapplings we gapped up last years coppice with are doing well, dispite being plonked in a 6" hole without any water, still I suppose it's early days and if this weather continues it will be a different story.

Looking at last years diary, the bluebells were still around at the end of May, this year they are drooping over and singing their swan song already!


Richard Hare
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Postby Treegrl » Tue May 03, 2011 7:13 pm

Admiring the bluebells and yellow archangel. Planning permission granted (TPO) so removing bramble from sweet chestnut coppice and starting to cut stems. Taking stock. Listening to the Buzzards and Blackcaps. Searching for signs of dormice. Brushing off inquisitive wood ants. Deciding on the best campsite.

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Postby Exeldama » Fri May 06, 2011 8:32 pm

Planted 20 specimen trees.. created a deer proof area, gave much thought to another pond, which may end up more of a lake. Cut my finger with a bill hook, admired my bluebells, chatted, looked, smelt (not me) . Protected my hedge from rampant deer, read a book, watched a snake. Err ate snadwiches made for me by my mum...aaaarrrgh.

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Postby The Barrowers » Mon May 09, 2011 7:31 pm

Loved our wood. Cut 2 year old logs for home. Relaxed. Had a visit by Dom Tyler who asked to take photos of bluebells. Relaxed. Did a charcoal burn which was a not great. Relaxed. Listened to the birds. Relaxed again. Roll on the other months and changes in the wood.

B and T
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Postby austino » Mon May 09, 2011 8:38 pm

Great time with the family. Fantastic weather and just amazed at the beauty of the bluebells. I will have had the wood a year at the start of next month. I missed the bluebells in my woods last year. Hit the rhoddy hard last weekend and was realy pleased with our efforts. Sadly couldn't burn it as the woods are much to dry. Come end of June i might have a rhoddy free woods. Saw a Tawny owl flying through the rides twice mid afternoon, makes me wonder if he's doing overtime to feed young. Marvolous!!

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Postby docsquid » Tue May 10, 2011 9:41 am

SWOG have been and gone, but brought the rain with them, to much relief. Can now get down to the serious business of enjoying the woods instead of having to water them. Now planning a Treasure Hunt for our next Open Day at the end of May.

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Postby RichardKing » Tue May 10, 2011 4:26 pm

Gather ye peasticks

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