Small Woodland Owners' Group

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Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby sarty » Tue May 03, 2011 6:39 pm

My name is Sarty,

I manage a 20 acre woodland in Somerset which is currently full of wild garlic (Ramsons) (Allium ursinum)..which i utilise as one of my main crops through the spring.

Next year i am planning to introduce a number of Tamworth pigs to the woodland to feast on the wild garlic and bulbs. The resulting pork will be used by myself, as i make charcuterie in my small butchery as another part of my business.

I am currently picking many thousands of our bluebell seeds as i aim to re-plant part of the woodland that the pigs have cleared, away from ramsons and back to a bluebell wood.

I look forward to talking to many of you

By the way i noticed Gervais Sawyer has written articles for you. He was one of my lecturers at Univercity. As i completed a forestry degree at Brunel

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon May 02, 2011 9:32 am

Postby Rich » Tue May 03, 2011 6:54 pm

Hi there Sarty,

And welcome...eventually!

I see you have a keen interest in Ramsons, as do I! I find they make an ingredient in nearly all of my meals at this time of year. A couple of years ago I tried introducing them into our ancient woodland, in a shaded area by a stream, but nothing. I think if they could be there, they would be by now and actually with hinesight, I don't think it was a great idea to introduce a species which may upset the equillibrium of the ecology.

I now get my ramsons from a local stream which I pass by twice a week, however I've never been able to find a succesful way of preserving them. Last year I mixed them up with olive oil and pine nuts to make a pesto and dropped them in the freezer, but they never really tasted like the freshly picked ones I usually drop into my dishes at the last minute.

Any hints on preserving or should we just be enjoying them in season?



Richard Hare
SWOG website editor

[email protected]
Posts: 448
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:36 pm

Postby Nigel L » Tue May 03, 2011 7:20 pm

Hi Sarty,

Welcome, your in my neck of the woods so to speak :) Our small wood is near Shepton Mallett, hope to meet you at one of the SWOG meetings.

Nigel L

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