Small Woodland Owners' Group

Woodland Planning Grant experiences?

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby wrekin » Tue May 31, 2011 1:45 pm


Woodland Planning Grants are available with a minimum payment of £1000 for woods of 3ha or more (it increases above 50ha) on submission and approval of the final plan.

Has anyone applied for one? What have your experiences been? Did you pay a professional forester to help you draw up the plan? Did you find working through the template useful, or was it more trouble than it was worth? How much direct contact with the FC did the process lead to? Thanks! - Woods, huts, cabins, sheds, forestry
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Postby rogerspianocat » Tue May 31, 2011 9:39 pm

I just got my 1k, and found the process interesting, and not easy. The FC chap was very helpful and he looked through the plan when I had it nearly ready to submit and suggested a few changes. I also had a great deal o help from the local AONB chap, who came for a walk round my wood and talked me through various options. He also had a copy of what the FC had been intending to do with the wood before they sold it to me. I also chatted with important (relevant) locals to get their views. I would have used myforest if it had been fully operational when I started work on my plan, but the template is good too.

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