Small Woodland Owners' Group

Woodland Wanted For Rent

Topics that don't easily fit anywhere else!

Postby Mike G » Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:47 am

Hi everyone, i'm looking for some woodland that i can rent on a daily basis for a recreational sport activity. Ideally the size i would like is around 15-25 acres....more if possible. I'm willing to pay around £200-£250 per day. The land will be used for a sport known as airsoft, which is similar to paintball but without the paint (a lot less messy than paintball). If there is anybody interested please let me know, and i can send you a detailed proposal.


Mike G


I'd just like to thank Rich (SWOG admin) for helping me resolve the 'login' issue i had for this forum.

Mike G
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:05 pm

Postby treebloke » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:48 pm

I have a 38 acre wood with 12 acres of grassland, 2 miles from Bridgnorth, Shropshire.

[email protected] if interested.

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Postby Keith Williams » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:59 pm

Are the pellets biodegradable?

Keith Williams
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Postby RichardKing » Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:33 pm

It is some years since I went paintballing.

I can only describe the condition of the woodland as being completely trashed.

All of the ground flora had been wiped out by being stomped on.

The surface of the earth a smeared to a hard crust.

I could not see that the paintballs themselves were causing any actual damage.


So just how exactly does "airsoft" differ in its impact on woodland ?


Or rather, the impact of herds of people charging though it.

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Postby Mike G » Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:42 pm

thanks for all of your responses so quickly.

treebloke, i'm definately interested in your offer. I'll speak to my brother this evening who is going into this venture with me, if he seems happy with it too i will let you know a.s.a.p. thanks

Keith, not all pellets are biodegradable that are used on most aisoft sites, but myself and my brother will be selling biodegradable bbs (ball bullet) from the game site we would like to run. It is definately something we would promote as this is one of our concerns for the environment.

RichardKing, Hi and thanks for your reply. Having marshalled from time to time myself at a woodland airsoft site, and having first hand experience both working and playing at the site, i can honestly say that i never noticed the woodland being "wiped out" as you put it.

The site between biggin hill and croydon was a six acre site, which combined both woodland and open fields. It was next to the the land owners field for cultivation of crops each summer, and there were never any problems with players affecting his land. The game area and parking space was designated by the farmer and all players had the upmost respect for this.

Average game days would have around fifty players on a six acre site, which is a substantial amount of people for that size.

People break off into small groups to skirmish through the game area. I've never seen players all running together like a herd of animals, they'd get spotted emmidiately by the opposing team and the game would be over in a very short space of time....literally minutes it would take for them to be hit with a hail of bbs.

Ideas for my games and how long they would last vary from half an hour to one hour. The games are based on being stealthy, covert and evasive. The people that play sometimes have military background and help other players with moving slowly and silently through the area. The game players see it more of a simulated military experience, not making sudden movements or loud soundsbeing part of that experience. Running around shooting anything that moves is not part of the sport, anyone found to be out of control and causing distress to other customers on any airsoft site is asked to leave.

There are times when faced pace movement is necessary and loud shouts may be heard from one team mate to another, yet still know one groups together in more than four to eight persons. Certainly not causing any noticable damage to the land.

The only effects on the farmers land were from local children starting fires in the woods, or smashing his tractor windows while he was away from the vehicle.

There is a public right of way that runs near the game site, and dog walkers are sighted from time to time, who may decide they want to pass through the wood/field. When this occurs players or marshals that spot them emmediately shout out or use radio communication to warn everyone on site.

Procedure is then for everyone to make safe their bb rifle and place it on the floor. A marshal will then approach anyone not in game and explain what is happening, as it can be unsafe in the area without having face protection. They are excorted safely through to wherever they wish to go, even though the area they are in is not part of the footpath and privately owned. The players and marshals are all polite and continue to play when the person/s (possibly with a dog or horse) is at a safe distance.

Going back to any damage done to the woodland by players....most players identify easy ways around a bush or branches that may be in the way, softer ground with grass on it may be trodden during the game day itself, but i'm sure between the two week period of each game day, the grass will grow back quite rapidly during the summer. Bracken, if it is growng in the area may also be trodden on too, but again it will soon grow back.

If there are natural pathways running through the woods, something that already looks worn down will be used by most players. No one is allowed machetes, hatchets,, or even knifes onto the site, so they can't cut through any deep thick branches or bush.

The surface of the earth being formed into a crust usually occours after winter coming into spring, this does happen after heavy rain falls, but eventually the earth gets broken down again into its natural form. From what i have seen it happens mainly on the footpath areas and doesn't effect the quality of the land at all.

All airsoft players that i know and have worked along side, respect the land and the landowner, if the place gets wrecked it is no longer fun to be playing there and it would be inevitable for the site to be closed down. Anyone would be asked to leave the site if they are causing damage intentionally to the land or harm to any wildlife roaming the area.

If there are any more questions, please ask and i'll answer them promptly.

kind regards


Mike G
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Postby Mike G » Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:47 pm

*fast paced. Not faced paced as i put in my last post. sorry if i caused any confusion

Mike G
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Postby Darren » Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:01 pm

I would be careful before letting any activity happen. A full environmental study of the flora and fauna would be useful with that amount of traffic going through the woods. My next next-door neighbour has some rare orchids which would disappear under that kind of use.

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Postby Mike G » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:56 pm

I appreciate your concern fully, but i 'm sure if there is rare flora in anyones woodland they should be aware of it, and wouldn't necessarily reply to my post. It would also be impossible for any woodland not to have animals or birds in the area.

Who would you suggest i approach to have a full environmental study conducted? just incase the owner doesn't know what is in the woodland that needs protecting. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Again i would like to stress that airsoft players do have the upmost respect for the environment. Airsoft usually has a number of regular people coming to the games, and the last thing they would want is for the site to be closed because of ignorant behavior to their surroundings. If anyone is found to be causing harm to wildlife and destruction to the environment they will be asked to leave immediately with a lifetime ban on them returning to the site.


Mike G
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Postby greyman » Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:49 pm

Hello there,

Just though it might be a good idea to mention that woods that '' sell usually have covenants on them - my impression is that these rule out this type of 'business'.

Just a thought also - it might be considered 'change of use' by local planners too, perhaps.


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Postby Mike G » Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:14 pm

Hi greyman, I have seen the covenant agreement on, and agree that a game site like Airsoft would not be allowed on land which has so many regulations. I am looking for land which has no attachment to a covenant, preferably I would like somewhere which may have been used in the past for sporting purposes, or has potential for such use.

I understand that I will have to seek consent for the land to be used as an Airsoft site.

I'm not sure if that comes under permitted development or if consent for Airsoft usage is a completely different department.

Maybe someone on this forum would be kind enough to reply and answer this question for me?

I'm currently looking at 'environmental impact assessments' this is a good point that the forum member Darren brought into mind, I just hope these are the right people to contact for evaluation of the concerns he mentioned.

I will take on board all advice that is handed to me. As I have never owned a woodland I am unaware of most of the regulations involved, but with all the friendly help people have given, I am building up good awareness of all the factors involved.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to respond to this post.

Mike G
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