News & Events
Low Impact Milling in Small Woodlands
Forestry can sometimes look like quite a destructive process. Felling on a large scale will often leave a site looking harsh and barren, scarred by the ruts and compaction left by the movements of huge machines.
SWOG visits Sylva
It was a wet day and initially the introductions threatened to become bogged down in talk of SWOG bogs, or woodland loos, which are probably worth a whole workshop of their own. However, we were at Sylva to learn about woodland mapping, specifically the benefits of Sylva’s free myForest woodland management planning system.
SWOG day at Sylva
SWOG members are invited to an exclusive day of activities at the Sylva Wood Centre, including a workshop in online mapping and a tour of the centre.
SWOG Meeting at Flatropers, East Sussex
In contrast to last year’s event at this beautiful woodland in East Sussex, the heavens opened and stayed that way for most of the guided walk around the reserve. Despite the weather, Alice Parfit from the Sussex Wildlife Trust enthused the attendees, and no one left disappointed – only a little soggy.
Inside the National Forest
The National Forest straddles an area of the Midlands, stretching across Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire. Established more than 30 years ago, it is a post-industrial region that has been regenerated to become a sustainable and much-loved part of the landscape.