News & Events

  • The Butterfly Effect

    Managing your woodlands for butterflies There are over 50 species of butterfly in the UK, along with more than 2,000 species of moth. Sadly, they have all been in decline for the past 40 years, but woodland owners are in a unique position to help support butterfly populations. With just a little work, woodland owners…

  • Rides Revisited

    Some of you may have been aware of the ride improvement project  SWOG members in the south east  have benefitted from over the last 18 months or so.  (See articles in last year’s March and June  newsletters, and occasional  updates here).

  • Newsletter June 2017

    ‘There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations.’ (Washington Irving) Settle back and enjoy a midsummer SWOG newsletter. Read about • The SWOG horse logging meeting in County Durham •  The all-round benefits of community woodlands •  CONFOR’s…

  • Horse-logging demonstration 13 May

    Join us for the visit to Karen Moon’s 9-acre wood at High Stoop in County Durham. SWOG members can enjoy a day in the woods, watching a demonstration of horse-logging and learning about the advantages of this traditional, low-impact aspect of woodland management.

  • Newsletter May 2017

    May Day is here and with it the latest SWOG newsletter! Nominate your favourite woodland individual or enterprise for a Woodland Award Read about the PAWS restoration workshop in Rogley Wood Learn about one man’s lifetime love of crafting rustic ash chairs. Sign up for a SWOG meeting!        

  • PAWS Restoration Workshop – Joint Meeting with The Woodland Trust

    Early April was an excellent time to hold a joint SWOG and  Woodland Trust, PAWS (plantation on ancient woodland sites) restoration workshop. 

  • Woodfairs 2017

  • Newsletter April 2017

    The April newsletter is bursting with life: No fewer than five SWOG meetings to attend Get involved  – sign the Tree Charter and have a tree planted on your behalf Read about EFRA’s recommendations to the government on the future of forestry – they did not mince their words!

  • Into the woods with Countryfile

    It was great to see a whole episode of BBC Countryfile devoted to woodlands and timber.

  • Malvern Coppicing – a review

    Thanks to Annie Vincent for this review of a course at Malvern Coppicing. This course is a must for all those starting out in their woods and for those that want to learn how to manage and maintain it while ensuring that the wildlife is encouraged, too.

  • Newsletter March 2017

    ‘Indoors or outdoors, no-one relaxes in March’, according to Ogden Nash. He’s right: the number of activities and reports in this month’s SWOG newsletter will provide something for everyone. A series of SWOG meetings around the country coming up during the spring and summer. Christopher Duncan tells us how to turn brash into cash Rodney Waterfield…

  • Low Impact Extraction Ideas – Milling in the Wood

    If I look back at the woods I’ve worked and managed over the last few years a common theme emerges. They all seemed to have valuable timber in them, timber that desperately needs felling. Sometimes it’s on an overstood chestnut or ash stool in danger of falling over because of it’s enormous weight.