News & Events

  • Newsletter February 2017

    With Christmas a distant memory, and even Pancake Day a blip on the horizon, celebrate the start of February with the SWOG newsletter. Gary Alexander provides sensible advice about woodland insurance Andy and Jane Morton describe their work in Sallerton Wood The winners are revealed in SWOG’s Big Picture competition  

  • And the winners are . . .

    Thank you to everyone who entered the SWOG Big Picture competition. All the entries were wonderful and it is great to see everyone enjoying their woodlands. Our judge, Graham Wood, faced a difficult choice, but finally selected three clear winners.

  • Red Squirrel Training Day

    Holly Peek a  Red Squirrel Ranger for Anglesey and Gwynedd has contacted us with some information that  North West Wales members may find interesting.

  • January 2017 Newsletter

    A very Happy New Year to all SWOG members! We begin 2017 with a small, but perfectly formed newsletter. The usual format will return next month and in the meantime, please keep sending in your entries for the SWOG photo competition – don’t miss the chance to win a place on  Phil Hopkinson’s coppice course.

  • How do you feel about pests and diseases?

    Dr Julie Urquart from Imperial College is running a project about ash dieback.

  • Ride Improvement Scheme – Update

    The track improvement pilot scheme in the South East is now nearing its end.  It was an initiative instigated by to help owners with shared tracks maintain and improve the utility, structure  and biodiversity of their tracks and rides. 

  • December 2016 Newsletter

    December has swept in on an icy draught, and with it a SWOG newsletter to warm the cockles. Don’t miss the chance to win a place on a coppice course – enter the SWOG Big Picture competition. Send us your selfies and photographs of people enjoying the woods. There are plenty of festive downloads – useful freebies…

  • Say trees – SWOG’s big picture competition


  • National Tree Week

      The 41st National Tree Week begins on 26 November, and kicks off with a series of events to bring trees to the forefront of public consciousness. This year the Tree Council are encouraging us all to get involved with Tree Dressing Day on Saturday 3 December, and in support, the Woodland Trust and Forest Charter…

  • New Forest Land Advice Service Working Woodlands Project

    Tom Murphy has been in touch, he is the  project co-ordinator for the Working Woodlands Project which is run by the New Forest Land Advice Service  part of the bigger, forest-wide “Our Past Our Future” initiative.

  • November 2016 Newsletter

    Inside a packed November newsletter, there are butterflies dormice tree tales words of advice for new owners links a free tree ID app. We hope you enjoy it!

  • Grown in Britain Week Special Offer

    There is a 10% discount to anyone placing a booking on a Grown in Britain training course this week. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. The aim of the course is to provide potential applicants and/or auditors of the Grown in Britain Standard with an introduction to the Standard, its general requirements…