News & Events
Heartwoods – bringing woodlands into management
Will Tomkins from the Small Woods Association has sent us information on a scheme which would help owners of unmanaged wood in the West Midlands. For more detals contact the number below directly.
Charcoal making course
Ian Baldwin is a woodman based near Guildford in Surrey who, as part of his business, makes charcoal. This is an excellent, if rather labour intensive use of wood which may have little other value, for instance small diameter wood which is unsuitable for firewood, can go in the kiln. If you’re managing your woodland…
Woodland Bee Hunting in the High Weald
High Weald AONB are putting on an interesting Bee Hunting event running on Friday 9th May, and Saturday 10th May. Details below.
The Sun and the Pleacher Man
After sitting around for most of the winter, like most people I was going a bit stir crazy waiting for the weather to break so I could get on with some work in the woods. Top of my list was this roadside hedge restoration, mainly of hornbeam, it had some poorly spaced old stools which…
Community Woodland Gathering – North Wales
Rosie Strang of the Llais y Goedwig network has sent members an invitation to their Community Woodland Gathering. When: Fri 11th 11.30am – 5.30pm & Sat 12th April 8.30am – 3.30pm. Where: Plas Newydd, Anglesey
Track a Tree – Recording spring in the woods
Dr Albert Phillimor from the Institute of Evolutionary Biology has sent us news of a very interesting project. They are looking for volunteers to record the seasonal timings of individual trees and flowering plants in our woodlands.
Woodland Pond Management Workshop
High Weald AONB are offering and interesting workshop on woodland pond management.
British Bats and Woodland Management Training
Anglian Ecology are holding a one day training course on British bats and woodland management from 09:30 am until 4:00 pm on Friday February 28th 2014