News & Events
Coppice Tools – Bring and Buy Sale
From a chainsaw to a billhook, bring along your old tools to sell, swap or barter and buy some-one else’s. If you have anything big to sell let us know and we’ll save you a space (or just bring a photo of it). Saturday 1st February 2014, 10.30 – 4pm Pepenbury, Cornford lane, Pembury, Tunbridge…
Meeting at Marston Vale – 2nd March 2014
Marston Thrift is a community ASNW woodland on the borders of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. It has been worked by a dedicated group of volunteers since 1973 and it is thanks to them that the woodland has been brought back into management and now thrives. The Wardens of Marston Thrift, Clive and Angela Bucknall, have kindly…
Courses for 2014 from ‘Native Hands’
‘Native Hands’ will be offering a new and updated range of courses for the new year. Wild pottery, bramble berry baskets, stitching bark containers and more. They are based down in East Sussex near Lewes. More information and course dates are available the Native Hands website.
Courses for woodland owners
Many SWOG members have been on courses to improve their woodland knowledge or to learn new skills. We have compiled a list of courses attended by those members who received a grant from when they purchased their wood. It is searchable by course, subject or county, and includes hyperlinked contact details and short reviews.…
Coping with Deer in Areas of High Population
Deer numbers are at their all time high in many parts of the country. Managing a coppice in one of these areas is hard work and can be extremely frustrating. Groups like the Deer Initiative are being proactive in educating woodland owners and the public about the issues involved. The main problem being that deer…
Deer Management Course – Plumpton College
Plumpton college are running a Deer Management course over four days between December and February next year. It is being taught by Jamie Cordery of the ‘Deer Initiative’ . It covers a lot of ground including. Population dynamics Deer impact assessments Landowners/Deer stalker agreements Landscape scale management Risks and liability Deer economics For more information…
Making a Log into a Birdbox
There’s nothing more satisfying than making something for the wood from the wood. Anything from a teaspoon to a log cabin can be fashioned from the materials you find growing or lying around. It keeps our 21st century plastic clutter out of sight and means everything is low impact and will eventually return to where…
See the woods from the trees at Plumpton College
The Wood Enterprise Centre is hosting a free day of information and advice around the subject of woodfuel on Tuesday 29th October at at Plumpton College at Woodland Enterprise Centre, Flimwell, East Sussex,TN5 7PR. There will be speakers from the woodfuel industry, and advice on how to apply for grants, as well as demonstrations of…