News & Events
North Wessex Downs Woodland Forum
Update 23 Jan: Still places available, the booking deadline has been extended to 28th January. Please contact Amanda directly. ___________________________ Best wishes to everyone for the new year. There’s plenty going on, I’m just sifting through my diary and deciding what shows I want to go to, if I can get away to a course…
More Training Dates for your Diary
Here’s some more dates for your diary. Alan Sage an experienced craftsman and woodsman has a comprehensive schedule of training courses coming up over the year.
Happy Christmas Everyone
Happy Christmas to everyone, particularly to those who are suffering from the atrocious weather at the moment. I guess all of us will be having trouble getting into the woods, but this is just an inconvenience compared to those who will have had their home flooded.
Training workshops from the Oxfordshire Woodland Project
David Rees, the Oxfordshire Woodland Project manager has sent us news of their training workshops, If anyone is interested please get in touch with him directly and let us know how the day went. It’s always good to get feedback from members on any courses or events that you attend.
First National Conference in Red Squirrel Conservation
British Red Squirrel and Cornwall Red Squirrel Project would like to invite you to the First National Conference in Red Squirrel Conservation – ‘National and International Perspectives on Red Squirrel Conservation’ Please circulate this email with the attached flyer to all who may be interested in attending this event. Any enquiries please contact [email protected].
Adopt an Ash and help secure a future for ash trees in Britain
The Sylva foundation is asking volunteers to take part in a ‘Tree Watch’ survey starting next spring in an effort to identify which ash trees are more resistant to Chalara fraxinea. As owners and managers with access to woodlands across the country we’d be well placed to help with this survey. Read the full…
Management of the Grey Squirrel Survey
We have received a request from a student studying landscape management for woodland owners or managers to complete a short questionaire. It is a very easy form, requiring a few ticks so it should really only take a couple of minutes. Please download if from the link below and return to Andrew directly.
Chalara dieback updated
Here is the latest information from the Forestry Commission. It explains precautions woodland owners should be taking and timescales for other business like grants and felling licenses which understandably will be delayed by the added workload. Chalara Frax.pdf
Bryology in our Wood
Bernie and Theresa (The Barrowers) recently had a survey of mosses and liverworts in their wood. It was carried out by Tom Ottely from the British Bryological Society, you may have seen the recent discussion on the forum about it. Here’s Bernies report of an interesting aspect of our woods, which may go unnoticed. …
Survey reveals ash disease in six more counties
Here is the latest press release from th Forestry Commission concerning the spread of Chalara. There’s a link to a useful map toward the bottom of the piece and a video which gives good examples of how to identify the disease from both the leaf and the stem.