News & Events

  • Lurking in the Undergrowth!

    Thanks to Mick from Brixham in Devon for this photo.  He tells me there’s something lurking in the undergrowth, but I’ve not been able to see it! Anyone else?

  • June Newsletter

    Thanks to Sarah for another great Newsletter, including  a very nice article about restoring a dry stone wall, an important report from the Heartwoods Tree Diseases Workshop at Carding Mill Valley, book reviews and roundups of all woodie events and courses going on this summer.

  • New Forum Online

    The new look forum went live today.  Anyone who is already a registered user should be able to reset their password.  Just log in as normal and follow the instructions carefully, you will need to remember which email address you regsitered with originally.  We are all looking forward to using this new board, but please…

  • SWOG Meeting at Hendall

      The SWOG meeting at Hendall last month was well attended and despite the appalling weather  which was around us at the time, we somehow managed to stay reasonably dry!   A well positioned tarp and make shift Tea room proved to be in exactly the right place at the right time when the heavens opened…

  • New Lyme Disease research website

      Kate Bloor has written to us with news of an important new resource which is engaged in researching and publicising tick borne diseases.   Especially important to people who spend a lot of time out side and therefore may come into contact with ticks.

  • West Weald Landscape Partnership Newsletter

    The spring edition of the West Weald Partnership Newletter is out now.

  • May Newsletter

    Another bumper edition of the newsletter, Sarah has reported from two very useful events, the Royal Forestry Society Conference at Stoneleigh Park, and the Heartwoods event on Woodland Insurance and Safety at Wyre Forest, it should be of interest to all woodland owners, large or small.

  • Butterflies and Beckley Wood Boars

    Heather has sent us details  of a  gentle walk around Beckley Wood, and East Sussex  woodland looking, out for spring butterflies and who knows what eles!

  • SWOG Meeting at Clan Wood – report

    Many thanks to Howard and Shirley who have sent us a nice write up and photos of their recent meeting at Clan Wood.  Look out for this article and more pictures in ‘Living Woods’ magazine.

  • Kent Wildlife Trust offers free training days

    Camilla Blackburn, Living Landscape Officer at Kent Wildlife Trust has sent us details of some free training courses for landowners.

  • Charcoal Burning Workshop

    Juliette Butler, Wildlife Training Workshops Officer with the The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire has sent us details of a charcoal burning workship in May.

  • Free Community Woodland Event 28th April

    Deborah Wargate, Environmental Sustainability Officer from Suffolk Coastal District Council has sent us details of a  special one day free event which is being held this month aimed at those who are interested in their communities owning, leasing or managing a woodland, or who want to get involved in Ufford’s future locally run wood. Further…