News & Events
Scything – A great alternative to the two stroke petrol engine!
Earlier this year, SWOG went down to the Westonbirt show to meet members in that part of the country and promote the group and small woodland ownership in general. Afterwards we were kindly hosted by Nigel and Elaine from Lapwing wood and their neighbour Mike.
West Weald Landscape Partnership
Petra Billings had sent us the Autumn edition of the West Weald Landscape Partnership newsletter. This will obvioiusly be of particular interest for those in the south east, but there are still plenty of interesting articles.
Wilderness First Aid Course
Thanks to Mike and Tracy who report on a really worthwhile emergency first aid course they have just been on. Something that everyone doing potentially dangerous things in the woods really ought to consider. I’m reliably informed that no limbs or body parts where actually removed from any of the participants!
Concert for Trees
Thanks to David Leslie for bringing to our attention information about what looks like being a fantastic event in Edinburgh
Dormice Monitoring
Rodney and Heather have supplied us with a fascinating report on their newly found fondness for dormice and the steps they are taking to encourage them to flourish in their wood.
Chilterns Woodlands Project – Events for Winter 2011
There are some interesting events going on in the Chilterns this winter. If anyone has events in their local area they would like to publicise, feel free to forward them on to [email protected]. Download the complete schedule here.
Native Hands courses
Native hands still have a few places on their Autumn Schedule. see details below. sat 22nd oct: hedgerow foraging at Wowo sat 19th nov: acorn day Our days run from 10.30am – 4.30pm and all are suitable for beginners as well as those with some experience. Please scroll down for more detailed info about the…
Red Squirrel Week
Annabel Harrison from the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s has written to us with news of a project which aims to track the numbers of red and Grey Squirrels.
Kevin Lerwill of the Gatwick Greenspace Partnership has sent us an interesting article about a recent overnight camp in a wood near Rusper. Their aim is to conserve and enhance the Sussex landscape, its wildlife and habitats and inspire people to care about their natural environment to help safeguard the county for future generations. Gatwick…