News & Events
Machine’s new lease of life is good news for threatened species
The Forestry Commission have sent us a report on a new use for one of their harvesters.
A guide to dealing with woodland crime in Wales
A new guide with tips on how to tackle crime in the woodlands of Wales has been launched by Forestry Commission Wales.
Woodland Management for Butterflies & Moths
Dan Hoare, Senior Regional Officer for the Butterfly Conservation group, has news of a new book out aimed at woodland owners who want to manage their woods for butterflies and moths.
Big Butterfly Count
The Butterfly Conservation goup, have reminded us of the ‘Big Butterfly Count’ about to start.
Oxforshire Woodland Group event
Members of the Oxfordshire Woodland Group are putting together a really interesting Saturday event this autumn to which SWOG members are cordially invited.
Woodfuel Opportunities in Kent
Matthew Morris – Woodfuel Pathfinder Development Manager has news of free networking events in Kent. Get more information from the contact details below or the flier.
Rainwater Harvesting
Many thanks to Craig who has shared with us his solution for harvesting water in his wood.
Charcoal Making at Combwell Woods, Kent
Many thanks to Martin Keelor for the report and pictures of the recent charcoal burns at Combwell Woods in Kent. In case anyone is still unaware of the issues, West Sussex County Council have put together a nice leaflet explaining why we should all be using locally coppiced charcoal on our BBQ’s this summer, (or…
Kent High Weald Partnership
The Kent High Weald Partnership’s summer newsletter if available to download here. There’s lots of information in it and a list of upcoming Events is also available here. Lots more information on their website
Woodfuel Events – South Yorkshire
The Forestry Commission are running some woodfuel events in South Yorkshire as part of their work on the Activating Forest Owners project Find out more here
Coppice Week – Clog Making Course
The Sussex and Surrey Coppice Group again held a very successful ‘Coppice Week’ on Ashdown forest. There was a rich mix of courses to try your hand at, I took on a challenging two days with one of the last traditional hand made clog makers in the country.