News & Events
Courses for 2011-12 at the Green Wood Workshop
BTCV Courses
Fancy getting to grips with nature a little more professionally this year? Always wanted to find out how to improve your site for wildlife? Or maybe you’d like to turn your green fingered interests into a new career but don’t enjoy hours studying books and writing essays to get a qualification?
Coppice week on Ashdown Forest
Surrey & Sussex Coppice Group are once again putting on a ‘Coppice Week’ on Ashdown Forest in East Sussex.
Fundamental Bushcraft Course – 18th March 2011
Nature’s Craft are offering a heavily discounted weekend course in Bushcraft next month, which is only available to SWOG members and their families.
The Oxfordshire Woodland Groups newsletter makes an interesting read whilst we eagerly await Sarah’s next SWOG newsletter! You can download a copy from here.
Chestnut bark weaving workshop
Anyone interested in learning to weave baskets from chestnut bark?
High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Matt Pitts from the High Weald Area of Outstandoing Natural Beauty has sent us the following message which will be of particulary interest to those with woodlands in this area.
Linking Woodsmen and Woodland Owners
Many thanks to Alan Sage of Sussex & Surrey Coppice Group for pioneering this new initiative.
SEWAF Newsletter
The South East Woodland Archaeology Forum’s newsletter is now available to download.
Free hedgerow plants!
Jim Jones, Project Officer of the Hedgrows for Dormice project at The People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) has written to us with with news of funding for new or existing hedges.