News & Events

  • September newsletter

    The September newsletter is now available to download from the link below.

  • Woodheat Solutions Training Seminar Invitation

    Mathew Woodcock  from the Forestry Commission and Thames Valley Energy are putting on some free ‘woodheat solutions’ training in the next couple of months.

  • News from the North East

    The Forestry Commission has released a special regional  update, following a recent discovery of Dendroctonus micans, the Great Spruce Bark Beetle, in private woodland at the western end of the Tyne Valley.

  • Introduction to bushcraft day

    UPDATE 17th August 2010 There are still a couple of places left on this course if anyone is interested? Andy Noble of  Natures Craft is running an introduction to bushcraft day at Lords Wood near Alton in Hampshire later this year.    This is being offered to SWOG members at a considerable discount, (£20 instead of…

  • New deer management guidance

    Deer are one of the biggest threats to woodland management – where their population density is too high, they over-graze the land and damage trees and rare plants as well as the habitats of other mammals, birds and insects.

  • Coppice week at Ashdown Forest

    There are still  places available on some of the courses offered at the Coppice week in Ashdown Forest.  As of today (6th August) spaces  include: Wooden tent peg making, hazel hurdle making, chestnut gate hurdles, and the charcoal earthburn.

  • August newsletter

    The August newsletter is now available to download from the link below. This months news letter is truly a bumper edition!

  • Photography workshop – Alvecote Wood

    5th September 2010 9.00am to 5.00pm If you have a digital camera, but are sometimes frustrated that the images you take don’t reflect what you have seen, then this is for you. You don’t need to have a lot of photographic knowledge, just a wish to improve your photography and get the most out of…

  • Surrey Hills Woodfair

    The Surrey Hills Wood Fair is now confirmed for 8/9 October 2010.

  • Four Winds lease runs out

    The Four Winds Inspiration Centre is unfortunately having to close.  The lease on their ‘Woodyard’ in Inverleith Park is ending and the Edinburgh council needs the land back. Established in 1998, the Environmental Education & Craft based Charity,  is a grass roots organisation, working for the benefit of present and future generations They have been…

  • Free family arts day

    The Woodland Trust are running another free event at Brede High woods. For more information visit the Woodland Trust website, or download the flyer.

  • Bodgefest 2010 – Saturday 4th September

    Dunnottar Bodgers Group invite family and friends to a picnic in the woods. A chance to find out about woodland crafts, get a little hands-on perhaps, see local artists work and sit back round the camp fire and enjoy live music and children’s entertainments.