Matt Pitts from the High Weald Area of Outstandoing Natural Beauty has sent us the following message which will be of particulary interest to those with woodlands in this area.
Secure the futures of your woodland.
While the government grapples with the thorny question of selling Forestry Commission woodlands, over 88% of the High Weald’s woodlands remain unmanaged. Over half of these woodlands are recorded as ancient. These woods have a long history of management stretching back into pre-history. Iconic species including dormice & Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterfly adapted quickly to the cycle of coppicing; but their number have tumbled as widespread management has declined.
There is hope, as the woodlands of the High Weald could offer us more sustainable fuel and safeguard our most cherished wildlife. This can be achieved through sympathetic management, which relies on getting the right advice. The High Weald AONB is offering FREE advisory visits to woodland owners in the High Weald. This is a chance to discuss future management and find out about the past history of your woodland. To find out more visit .