Native Hands – workshops

There are a few places still available on ‘Native Hands’  upcoming courses, which will  be held in beautiful, peaceful (and shady) private woodland near Lewes.

May 20th: hedgerow basketry- woven willow bark containers
May 22nd: plant journeying
June 10th: hedgerow frame baskets
June 11th; hedgerow basketry- bramble
Days run from 10.30am – 4.30pm and cost £40 each. All our days are suitable for beginners as well as those with some experience.

If you have any enquiries you can reach Ruby or Anna on  on 01273487264.

All details and contact information are available on their flyer.

Hedgerow basketry:
we’ll be using bark, bramble, reed mace, grass and other foraged materials, and we’ll be using a number of basketry techniques such as frame baskets, bias plaited, coiled, stake and strand. Suitable for all levels, beginners as well as those with some experience.
Foraging for food and medicine:

an opportunity to learn how to identify, gather and make preparations from seasonal plants, for both food and medicine.

traditional tanning and preserving techniques, using tools of flint, bone and wood. Dry scraping a prepared  piece of deer skin, softening and preserving it by hand in order to then cut and stitch it as a pouch or other small item. A non-smelly process!
Plant journeying:
tools to open a doorway to help reconnect with nature. Time to sit with and study the plants, and learn to journey with a plant to experience its spirit. Suitable for people with no experience of journeying techniques as well as for those who’ve been doing it for years! .
exploring three ways of making fire: by friction using the bow drill, by percussion using flint and steel and by the more ancient technique of flint and iron pyrites. Gathering and exploring various plants which can provide tinder to start our fires.
Wild pottery: hand-building pots from locally dug clay; experimentimg with inclusions. Firing pots in a clamp kiln we’ll make together…using only what we can gather from the woods for this whole process.

Our passion is in providing a space in which participants have the opportunity to connect to the natural world and to explore this relationship through creative activity.

By spending time around a fire in the woods with a small group of like-minded people, working with natural materials in various ways, we can find connection to ourselves as well as to the natural world. Taking time out of our daily lives in this way allows space for reflection and gives us the possibility of deep nourishment, appreciation and an opportunity to touch into a sense of the interconnectedness of life; we also create beautiful, useful objects and develop valuable, practical skills.

We are inspired by traditional wisdom and knowledge in the ways we work with nature and natural materials. We harvest what we need with respect and sensitivity.

Greetings! We just wanted to let you know that there are a few places still available on our upcoming courses, which we’ll be holding in beautiful, peaceful (and shady) private woodland near Lewes. There are also photos attached that will give you more of an idea of what we’re offering.
May 20th: hedgerow basketry- woven willow bark containers

May 22nd: plant journeying

June 10th: hedgerow frame baskets

June 11th; hedgerow basketry- bramble

Days run from 10.30am – 4.30pm and cost £40 each. All our days are suitable for beginners as well as those with some experience.
Please scroll down for more detailed info about the course contents, and If you’d like to book a place you’ll find booking details attached.
If you have any enquiries you can email or phone us on 01273487264.
We look forward to seeing you,
Ruby and Anna,
Native Hands



