Ride Improvement Scheme – Update

The track improvement pilot scheme in the South East is now nearing its end.  It was an initiative instigated by woodlands.co.uk to help owners with shared tracks maintain and improve the utility, structure  and biodiversity of their tracks and rides.  There were applications from about 15 groups of owners in the area and woodlands were able to fund work in about half of these.  See the March edition of the newsletter for more details.

Ride Clearance Work Party – Plattershill, West Sussex

We will shortly be gathering some feedback from owners who have been  directly involved in the scheme and we will post this in the new year.  Apart from the physical improvements to the rides, one of the greatest benefits of the scheme in my view has been that of  bringing owners, who may rarely meet, together to collaborate.

Well maintained, functional rides are important for all owners and wildlife.  It is inevitable that if nothing is done, over the years the trees will close in, shade the tracks and their usefulness will be lost.  Hopefully this scheme will have highlighted the issues and given everyone involved an idea of how to go about tackling the problem.  As with most projects, the hardest work is usually necessary at the beginning, but if  plans are in place and  works are scheduled each year, the job will become easier and the benefits obvious to all involved.

Many hands make light work –  Owners and contractors clearing the main ride at Plattershill Wood in West Sussex. December 2016

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