SWOG at Bentley Woodfair

The Bentley Woodfair was held last weekend in East Sussex.  It is one of the biggest events of it’s kind and attracts exhibitors and visitors from all over the country.

It was great to see so many members come along to say hello and have a cuppa.  This year we had a display from Rod and Heather about the dormouse they are  monitoring in  their wood along with some dormouse boxes that Rod has been fabricating.  Colin and Lucy brought along some honey from the bees they keep in their wood.  It is a bit of a scarce commodity this year with the terrible summer we have had, but it  still tasted great.  Charlie provided a selection of chestnut craft products including some very realistic looking deer and Nick brought along some interesting sand blasted roots which make great table pieces for flower arranging.

The weekend started off well, quite busy on Friday and Saturday broke all records for attendence, a perfect early autumn day.  Sadly it didn’t last and by Sunday lunchtime the  rain lashing down,  despite this we still had a few hardy souls turn out, keeping warm around the stove.

A special thanks to Rod and Nick who helped put up and take the tent down in atrocious conditions!


More pics thanks to Tracy and Mike








