Woodheat Solutions Training Seminar Invitation

Mathew Woodcock  from the Forestry Commission and Thames Valley Energy are putting on some free ‘woodheat solutions’ training in the next couple of months.

He writes:

As you know many of us have been championing the opportunity to use lower quality wood as a sustainable fuel source for many years. We now seem to have reached a point where many of us appreciate the finite nature of fossil fuels and the need to find sustainable alternatives.

Wood will not address all our energy needs but in England’s most wooded Region it could certainly play a significant role and in so doing offers a range of business opportunities.

You are probably aware that the Woodheat Solutions Project led by the Forestry Commission is working to transfer knowledge and experience about how to use woodfuel from Austria and Finland where it’s use as a sustainable fuel source is well established. Some of you joined us on the study tours to Austria and Finland and others are benefitting from specialist advice on how woodfuel cold be used in your own properties.

In association with Thames Valley Energy we’ve pulled together the lessons we’ve learnt so far into a training package which we will roll out at a series of seminars in September and October.

We aim to provide a free and robust days training taking you from ‘wood to warmth’, highlighting the range of business opportunities which this offers.

We hope you will be able to join us, and if not feel free to forward details to anyone who may be interested.

Matthew Woodcock

Forestry Commission South East England

For details and more information see the  flyer.



